Who are you to judge other people’s motives?
Throughout my life, I have come across countless people who fill their mouths with false pride calling others “frivolous” if their motivations to move forward are not the same as theirs.
At times like these, it’s wise to remind yourself that not everyone is going to think you are, and you know? That’s perfectly fine.
Each head contains within it a particular universe. Millions of ideas flow in the mind of each of us every second. Although sometimes we agree, it is more than obvious that we will not always agree with others.
It seems that today, ironically, the easier it is to find a place within the diversity that gives life to the world, there are many people who are more determined to try to judge the value of other people’s dreams. It seems that the more we advance in some aspects, the more brutally we regress in others.
The worst part of the situation is that many of the people who most enjoy judging others are those whose personal lives are a real mess. Perhaps trying to control others makes them forget a little about how messy their own existence is.
Thus, instead of helping each other in these troubled times, in addition to having to carry our own problems, we also have to deal with people bent on judging others.
It is at times like these that we must remember the most that we are human beings, with defects and virtues. We are not omnipotent gods, with hierarchy over other people’s existences.
Perhaps the great advance of technology has made many feel immortal, but we have to remember that underneath our electrical devices and weapons of war, we are a bunch of flesh and bones.
If you laugh at someone today, you don’t know if someone will be laughing at you tomorrow, after all, life takes many turns. Therefore, we have to start trying to be as respectful as possible with those around them.
It is very easy for success to go to your head, that is why we have to remember that in this life, both good and bad things are transitory. Our existence is like a river that always flows and never stops. So if you judge someone today, knowing absolutely nothing about their life situation, tomorrow you might be surprised to see that their life turned out to be the complete opposite of what you expected.
So if you are not going to say anything that contributes something to the life of another person, better dedicate yourself to something else.
If you think that person needs your help, if so, don’t worry, he will let you know.
It is as simple as trying to be happy in life and letting others do the same. Life is so short that there is not enough time to waste it looking at what others do instead of trying to be better human beings.
Perhaps, humanity will understand many things about the true meaning of life the day we start helping each other from the heart instead of trying to destroy each other.
Let’s work together as a team to make this world a kinder place for everyone. These are very violent times. We gain nothing by attacking with poisonous words those who are trying to improve their lives.
Instead of trying to harm others, let us remember that we are all walking together on this journey called life.
Even if you wear expensive clothes or your parents are rich, that does not make you superior to anyone.
Yes, it is easy to open your mouth and judge others, to feel for a few minutes as the absolute owner of the universe. But before you do that, make sure first that your life is totally pristine and that you have never made a mistake since the day you were born. It is not like this? So maybe it’s best for you to learn to look inward before you criticize others. Think about what satisfaction you get from ruthlessly judging the lives of others.
Maybe you do it in a way where you try to hide that shadow of low self-esteem that has been bugging you since you were very young. Or maybe you do it because you like to give advice to others, but you still need to learn a lot about being sensitive when dealing with others.
And if you like to criticize others out of pure bitterness, perhaps you should work on the wounds that your soul has been carrying for several years and forgive yourself for any mistakes you may have made in the past. It’s not going to happen in a day or two, but the very fact that you start working on it will help you free yourself from the ties that don’t let you grow. Live and let others live the way they please. Don’t judge, because you don’t know if tomorrow it will be your turn to be judged.
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