Put Your Fears Aside
Don’t let your fears control your existence
Start living your life today.
It is never too late to start changing your life. Just as you hear it, it’s never too late to start living the existence you’ve always dreamed of- Before I start the text, I’d like to explain that I’m not writing this from a perspective of privilege, or hoping for recognition, but as a person who, like many, has made several mistakes in her life, but like few others, has had the bad luck that some strangers make fun of her on the internet without knowing her in person. So, here I share some ideas that can help you
Am I crazy for being afraid of something?
No, being afraid is a normal part of life for any human being. At some point in our existence, we have all been assailed by some fear about ourselves, our existence, or about the world around us. And that does not imply being sick. It is part of our human nature, and we cannot deny it, but we can learn to live with fear.
Is it going to be easy?
No, it won’t be easy. In fact, nothing worthwhile in life is worthwhile. Everything that is worthwhile entails a certain sacrifice or effort to reach a good end. Many times you will feel that you want to cry, just when you are about to achieve your goal, but if you really want it, you know that you will continue fighting to achieve your goals. This is the human spirit, even yours, even if you doubt it on those days when life seems to be willing to show you its worst side. When you think you have nothing left to live for, life always surprises you by giving you
Will it take a lot of effort?
Everything in life requires a good effort, because nothing, absolutely nothing, is given for free. And that is part of the genius of the matter. The effort we make to obtain what we want helps us to progress as human beings, since exposing ourselves to new circumstances makes us leave our comfort zone, so, although many times we let ourselves be carried away by fear, there is nothing better than daring to do that which generates us a little fear.
I think I can’t make it
Really, without knowing you, I believe that you can face that adversity that, at this moment, has you trembling. And it’s not just a positive wish, it’s a reality if you stop to think objectively. Until now, you are still alive, and that means that you have already faced several of those experiences that you imagined would knock you to the ground. Whenever you doubt it, remember the occasions in which you have been able.
I am afraid to take risks.
It is normal to feel fear, even those people you see so sure of themselves, strutting on big stages, feel it, but the important thing is not to let fear dominate you. If necessary, even seek professional help, but remember that it is you the one who should control your emotions, instead of letting them control you. You are stronger than any kind of temporary emotion.
Do you mean that it is good that you act recklessly?
Contrary to what the commercials and magazines aimed at the youngest say, I would say that of course not. The most prudent thing will always be to reflect before acting, especially if you are facing a situation that generates a high level of anxiety. However, do not let fear prevent you from stepping out of your comfort zone, as life is waiting for you out there. Reflect, but never forget to live.
Sometimes I feel like I’m not moving forward
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Life itself is difficult enough for you to be carrying something extra on your shoulders. Never stop working, but have a little patience with yourself. Remember that human beings always make mistakes and that sometimes we don’t advance in life at the pace we want. That’s normal. Trust the process, keep working, and you will see that sooner than you imagine, you will reach your goal.
They might laugh at me…
As a person who has spent half of his life on the net (not literally), I can tell you that whatever you do, people are going to find a way to laugh at you or whatever you do. And it’s not your fault. There are people who simply like to laugh at others, to try to work out the frustrations they have with their daily lives. So if you want to survive, you have one of two options: Either you take the opinions of everyone who laughs at you very seriously, or you just ignore them and get on with what you want to do.
I want to please everyone.
Foremost, let me tell you that this is practically impossible. No one is going to be completely satisfied with you, no matter how hard you try. Besides, it’s not their life, but yours. Do not go through your existence forgetting that you are on this planet to try to be happy, not to waste our valuable hours hurting ourselves, thinking about how we can live for other people, instead of for ourselves.
I’m afraid of failing
We are all afraid of making mistakes at some point, but if we get stuck in that way of thinking, we will never leave our comfort zone. So remember, no matter how scared you are, it’s but don’t risk it. Take a deep breath and remember that everything will most likely work out for you. And if it’s not like that, it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake, because, with each one of those mistakes, we mature.
Does the fear ever go away completely?
Unfortunately not. In one way or another, fear will always be part of us and our existence, so it is better that we learn to assimilate it, without letting it dominate us completely. Even knowing that there will always be some fear in us, we can still have happy and fulfilling existences.