Our Truth (Deep Inside)
A little thought about being ourselves
What we have inside, on many occasions, cannot be expressed as easily as we would like.
After all, each head is a world, and each heart is a particular universe. We don’t have to feel ashamed of who we are, because, at the end of the road, our lights and shadows are what give us identity.
Perhaps, due to the hectic pace of life today, we have become disconnected from who we really are.
Whether we like it or not, we have to look within, to recognize what is inside us.
There is stardust running through our veins, as well as the memories, both bad and good, that we carry in our hearts.
Each small piece that makes us up is like an infinite crucible of a thousand colors that gives us life. We are like little butterflies that fly, on many occasions aimlessly, on that path called life.
We have to learn to express ourselves without hurting ourselves. This might sound a bit difficult, but we have as our allies art, writing, meditation, and those little things that connect us with ourselves.
Yes, at this time it is very difficult for us to recognize our truth. After all, filter after filter, it becomes difficult to recognize our true face. We put on so many masks, looking to please people we don’t even know, that in the end, we end up losing track of our true beauty.
Yes, the material is important. After all, the body needs to satisfy its physical needs, but what about what you can’t see?
Beneath the surface is a rich wellspring of feelings, which can help us connect with others on a deeper level.
This might sound a bit difficult, because we have always been taught that if we do not comply with the dictates of society, then we must hate ourselves because then no other human being will consider us worthy of respect.
It is then that it is worth asking what would happen if we human beings dared to take off those masks of perfection that we sometimes impose on ourselves.
What would happen if, for a moment, we dared to be ourselves without thinking about what others might think? I know that some persons might see this like sheer madness. After all, there are such things as social norms, and being socially rejected is considered a source of sadness for anyone. But also think of all the people who would perhaps feel a little less alone by showing themselves to the world as they are, and being able to find other people with whom to identify on a deep level, beyond the superficiality that seems to prevail today in the modern world.
Yes, this sounds utopian, and perhaps it will be many years before this happens if it ever does. However, it doesn’t hurt to dream a little in the midst of so much darkness that surrounds the world. After all, many great changes have started with a dream.
Here's a little something about the importance of cultivating our spiritual side. Please, let me know what do you think.
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