Is There Any Meaning?
Life, without a doubt, is a turbulent journey, full of ups and downs, therefore, no one is surprised that the human beings have dedicated a good part of the development of their knowledge to try to understand the reason for our existence.
Life is hard
There is no way to deny it. Life is very difficult. For this reason, many times people break down in the face of difficulties, denying everything they know. They even come to think that there is no real meaning in life. For this reason, it is important to remember that each of our actions throughout our lives can have as much meaning as we decide to give them.
What do we know about ourselves?
Yes, the average human being always sees itself as a wise and praiseworthy entity, knowing each and every one of the mysteries related to its existence and that of others. But the truth is that we know very little about who we really are and why we are on this Earth.
If this question had already had a complete answer centuries ago, sciences such as psychology would probably not have been developed. Perhaps religions would never have grown and philosophy would not have any adherents.
Human beings have always tried to find some order in this chaos that we call life. The means they have used have been diverse.
A bit of meaning
There are many who have affirmed that the only way to find some meaning in our existence is to get as far away as possible from earthly temptations, to prevent them from staining our souls. Others, on the contrary, say that we are here to have fun and enjoy every minute.
Some say that the true meaning can only be found together, while some others affirm that in the most absolute isolation is where we can find what we are and what we want. And these are just a couple of examples that serve to show that humanity has different ideas of where to find the meaning of life. And being objective, none of these ways of finding some meaning in life can be considered wrong, in fact, all can be equally valid. Why?
Every human being is different
And not only in the physical and mental sense. Each one goes through life, motivated by different reasons and emotions. The life of each one of us is different, because obviously, we were born in different places, in different years, and surrounded by different people.
For this reason, it is absurd to think that the person who is next to you will find satisfaction in the same type of things as you. For this reason, there are those who consider a good number of life coaches/influencers to be charlatans, who claim to have absolute remedies and try to help all their clients using the same advice for all of them.
Find your own meaning
Don’t get carried away by what the media says, or what social networks say you need in order to be happy. Find your own path, without much concern if others understand what you do or your motivations. Find that thing that makes you want to live.
Walk at your own pace
It does not matter if, due to various life circumstances, you have achieved your goals at a pace that others consider slow, or if, on the contrary, others consider that you have lived very fast, live life in the way that best suits you, as long as when you feel happy. Do not let others dare to try to decide your destiny. Fighting for what you want, without letting ill-intentioned opinions affect you, you will be on your way to finding your purpose.
What If there is no meaning in life?
It is up to you to decide if you want your life to have meaning or not. For many, the thought that their existence has no predetermined reason terrifies them, while for others, it gives them a feeling of absolute freedom. There is nothing written on paper.