I wanna change!
Believe me, I wanna change
I am going to change my life once and for all.
I will find an answer to all my doubts.
No matter what you say, I will never give up. I’ll keep going.
It doesn’t matter if you laugh at me, I’ll move on.
My dreams keep me alive daily.
My illusions give me reasons to continue.
I’m going to make my life shine again.
I am not afraid to move on. I want to live.
I want to show the world that it is wrong.
I’m going to leave behind all this great darkness.
I promise myself, and I apologize.
I’m not going to cry anymore. I want to work hard.
Life is too short to waste it like this.
I want to feel that I can do with my life what I want.
I’m going to reach the sky in one fell swoop, and I’ll find my destiny.
No one will ever shut me up again for the rest of my life.
I’m going to feel alive again, I swear from my heart.
I no longer want to suffer in this cruel way.
I want joy to return to my face, my love.
I want you to be free too, my beautiful love.
Do not be afraid, I will hold your hand tenderly.
I’ll finally be worthy of your sweet love, baby.
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