Hold your Own Hand
Everybody needs to have somebody by their side when they are going through hard times, but also, to have someone to share happiness with. After all, love is one of the most wonderful human experiences. But there are times when you are not going to have someone available to help you in the way you wanted to. That's why you need to learn to find your inner strength.
But how?
It might seem complicated at first. After all, media has taught us that we can only flourish if we are always surrounded by others, but sadly, that is not always possible. Thus, we need to do our best to connect with our inner strength to help us overcome any challenge life might throw at us. Remember how far you have gone.
Inner strength?
Believe it or not, everybody has it. It's that fire that motivates you to keep going at the worst times. No matter how shy you are, you have a good dose of it, you just need to find where it lies.
Find your force
What does it make you feel proud of yourself? Do you remember the times where everything seemed dark, but you managed to survive? These are the places where your strength lies. Remember and take force to keep going from the good times, and use the hard ones to learn.