Freedom and Love
Freedom is one of the most important ingredients of love
If you are lucky enough to find true love, learn to cherish it without suffocating it. For such a magnificent feeling to grow every day, we must learn to respect and celebrate our partner’s individuality. If we are in a relationship, is understandable if we feel every now and then a burning need to spend a lot of time with them, and that is wonderful, but never forget that you and your partner are independent human beings, with dreams and desires of their own, thus there is nothing wrong with each one having some time for themselves.
Yes, give yourself some time to surprise your partner with a little surprise or learn a bit about what interests them most, but never try to force them to do something that goes against their true nature and individuality.
Some might think that is almost impossible to achieve, but it is as simple as respecting the boundaries of the person next to you. Don’t act as if the person you love were an extension of yourself. Such a thing would feel too much like narcissism on your side. People don’t solely exist for the purpose of satisfying you, they have their own needs. Your partner is not an exception.
Instead of trying to build a little clone of yourself, why don’t you try to cherish the uniqueness of the person sharing their love with you? Individuality is a very important part of the greatness of every person, so don’t strip your partner away from such an important thing.
No matter what inherited patterns of thought might have made you think about respecting the freedom of your partner, work hard every single day to step away from these ways of dominance. In order to flourish, love needs freedom.
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