For Your Heart, My Love

Patricia Pixie❤
2 min readSep 18, 2023

You know I will do anything for you

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In the sultry depths of our love, where the fervor of our souls ignites like a blazing inferno, there resides a promise — a promise sealed not with ink and parchment but with the fevered beats of our entangled hearts. It’s a covenant woven with threads of desire, vulnerability, and a passion that courses through our veins like molten lava.

“For your heart, my love,” you murmur, your voice a velvet caress against my skin, “has known the exquisite torment of countless wounds.” And I, enraptured by the intimacy of this confession, trace the lines of your scars with tender fingertips. Each mark tells a story of battles fought and battles won, of a heart that emerged from the crucible of pain, not unblemished, but fortified by its trials.

Your heart, resilient and fierce, has weathered life’s tempests, the torrential rains of adversity, and yet it pulsates with an unyielding vitality that mirrors your indomitable spirit. It has dared to tread the dark corridors of despair, emerging not untouched, but enriched by the shadows it encountered. And as I listen to its rhythm, I’m drawn into a symphony of strength, a melody that sings of your enduring essence.

In return, you make me a promise, a vow whispered in the sultry night, where our bodies are entwined like vines seeking the sun’s embrace. “I…



Patricia Pixie❤

Billingual writer/music lover/tarot reader/Interested in the mysteries of the human mind