Don’t Let Fear Trap You
It is normal that on several occasions throughout your life, you have felt fear. The important thing is that you never let fear deprive you of doing those things that you really enjoy in life.
What are you waiting for?
The world is outside your bed. It is waiting for you if you want to take the call. It doesn’t matter if you attend it crawling, walking or running. The only thing that matters is for you to realize that there is something interesting waiting for you outside the walls of your room. But I am not saying that there is something wrong with resting and just doing nothing every now and then. What I am trying to say is that nobody should be keeping themselves from enjoying life out of pure fear.
Fear is a Prison
Believe it or not, fear is a prison. How many times have you stopped doing what you want because you are afraid of failing or that things will not turn out as you planned? Life belongs to those who dare, so don’t forget that you own your life, and you decide what you do with it. Don’t lock yourself in and go out into the world without fear of what might happen.
You deserve to be free
Ask yourself if you would like to spend your whole life locked up instead of enjoying all the wonderful things that life has to offer you. Even if you are a pessimist, ask yourself if you really like being dominated by one of your emotions. Don’t you think it would be better to learn to live without so much burden on your heart?
Breathe Freely
I don’t even need to tell you. Surely, throughout your life, you have felt more than a hundred times that you are not going to make it through the day. But you have survived like a warrior every one of those dark hours. Therefore, when you feel that life is passing you by, breathe, and remember that everything in life ends sooner than later. There is no losing streak that lasts 100 years.
Life goes too fast
Even if you think that life is going to wait for you, that is not true. The days and years go by very quickly, and when you look back, you no longer have the energy or enough time to do those things that you would have liked to do when you were younger. So do it today. You don’t know if tomorrow, life will give you another chance.
But Not Irrationally…
However, this does not mean that you should risk your well-being in thoughtless ways. It also does not mean that you should act without thinking. Reflect well before making any decision, but dare to leave your comfort zone. We only live once, and it is our duty to take advantage of the opportunities that life gives us.
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