Dawn of Liberation: A Symphony of Freedom
A sweet day of freedom
Day of liberation that beautifully came into your life,
Severing chains of anguish with an invisible knife.
A sunrise soaked in the hues of a newfound freedom,
Heralding beginnings, to past torments no longer succumb.
Burst forth you did, from the cocoon of despair,
Into a dawn radiant, the world’s beauty to bear.
Your heart echoed with a melody, unsung and new,
A rhythm of liberation, in the morning’s dew.
Once confined, now boundless as the cerulean sky,
Wings of liberation spread wide, prepared to fly.
No longer ensnared in the tangled web of the past,
Day of liberation arrived, breaking shackles at last.
Rays of the radiant sun seeped into your soul,
Filling the cavernous voids, making you whole.
Breezes whispered tales of liberty in your ear,
Each gentle zephyr dispelling remnants of fear.
A symphony of freedom reverberated in your heart,
The day of liberation, your life’s radiant new start.
From the ashes of the past, a Phoenix you rose,
In the garden of liberation, blossoming like a rose.
This day, oh, this beautiful day of liberation,
Marked the dawn of your soul’s grand celebration.
Oh, the ecstasy, the unadulterated delight,
Of liberation’s day, breaking the confines of night!
An anthem of joy, to the heavens you release,
For you’ve found in liberation, a harmonious peace.
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