Dare To Be Different
What's wrong with being different?
Many of us have cried in the solitude of our room, after being called “weird” by one of our coworkers or schoolmates, but as we grow older, we learn that being different from others is not something we have to do. embarrass us. It’s something to be proud of
Being different from others, in a world of sheep of the same color, is a virtue that we must embrace.
One of the bases of art and of all work that has to do with some form of creative expression, feeds in a great way on creativity. The works of art or literature that are still appreciated today are those that have an element that is out of the ordinary.
If we all thought in the same way, it would be very difficult to continue producing works that have a contribution regarding innovation or originality.
Those who have dared to think outside the box are the ones who end up contributing the most within the field in which they work.
Yes, knowledge and creativity matter, but it is very important to dare to think differently.
Also, after all, what is “different” in this day and age? The world is opening up more and more to the range of diversity that the world offers.
It’s hard to call someone weird when normality is a subjective concept. And if being “weird” means getting out of the mold established by the mass media, then it’s a pride to be different.
Do not let anything or anyone try to steal what makes you different from others. Never let hurtful words make you doubt your own abilities. Being unashamedly creative is a virtue that few today possess, and if you’re that way, don’t be afraid to shine.
If, due to the nature of your day-to-day work, you do not have the possibility of dedicating yourself one hundred percent to something creative, try to put your special touch on everything you do, even if it is small.
“Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.” — Jodie Foster
If you have the possibility, take a class or course that allows you to explore your most creative side.
Do not let the most original side of your being end up drowned by your daily obligations. Try to balance those things you have to do with what you enjoy the most.
If you have children or young family members, use the time you spend with them as an excuse to relax a little and connect with the simplest part of yourself. Remember for a moment that beautiful time in life when you didn’t care what others thought of you and what you did.
Close your eyes for a moment and feel your heartbeat. You can find yourself again.