Authenticity is The Key
The importance of trying to be authentic
There is little doubt that authenticity is one of the most important values in many different aspects of our daily lives, from our personal relationships, family life, to our professional sphere. In a very general way, as it is a complex matter, being authentic means being true to ourselves, acting in accordance with our values and beliefs, and expressing our emotions and thoughts sincerely. The importance of being an authentic person is that authenticity gives us the skills to build trust, foster genuine relationships, and promote a general sense of well-being and personal satisfaction in our lives and in those around us.
Let’s start by saying that authenticity is extremely important to establish and maintain relationships of trust in all areas of our lives. When we do a significant effort every single day in order to try to be authentic human beings, the people around us can see us as we are, without any masks or deceptions. Actually, this is a quite smart way to start creating an environment of trust and security, where communication becomes significantly more open and honest. Relationships built on authenticity are more lasting and meaningful because they are based on truth and transparency.
Furthermore, authenticity is a really important value that allows us to connect more deeply with all those around us in our daily lives. By doing our best efforts to try to show our true selves to the world, without any type of deceiving mask, we help ourselves by attracting people into our lives who value and appreciate our true essence. This helps us form more genuine and satisfying bonds with all the persons who are around us.
Human relationships that are supported by authenticity provide every person involved with a sense of belonging and emotional support, that is something essential to maintaining our mental and emotional well-being in a healthy state.
When it comes to our work field, being an authentic person is also something of great importance. Leaders in any kind of working field who let themselves be guided by authenticity with no fear, inspire with their actions and thoughts their work colleagues and contribute to foster a healthy and collaborative work environment for everyone. When employees feel like they can be truly themselves when they are doing their work, they feel more engaged and motivated to do their job. Authenticity in leadership also contributes on a substantial to the creation of a healthy organizational culture based on trust and mutual respect of everyone involved.
On the other hand, working hard in doing our best kind of effort every single day of our lives in order to try to cultivate an authentic lifestyle, led by our core values, allows us to live a richer and more satisfying life, even if we sometimes might doubt it. Living according to our core values and principles gives us a sense of coherence and internal alignment in every thing we do. When we begin to live authentically, we begin to feel more at peace with ourselves and experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. Living an authentic lifestyle frees us from the pressure of trying to be someone we are not, which, without any kind of doubt, can be exhausting and stressful for any person.
However, achieving an important level of authenticity in our daily lives is not always an easy task for anyone, regardless of what some popular motivators, influencers and internet gurus say. Very often, whether we want to or not, we can be tempted to settle for inauthentic actions, such as trying to meet the expectations of others or trying to fit into certain pre-established social roles. In these moments that are part of our existence, it is quite important keeping in mind that living authenticity very often requires having a lot of bravery and self-acceptance.
Trying to be true to yourself all through your life may involve making some difficult decisions at certain times or facing a lot of harsh criticism from others, including persons that are close to you, but in the long term it will allow us to start building a more authentic and meaningful life for us and all of those we love, so, in the end, no matter how hard might be, the effort is definitely worth it.
Although many people doubt it, authenticity is an extremely essential life skill that helps us build trusting relationships, genuinely connect with others, and live fuller, more satisfying lives. By being authentic, we not only improve our own lives, but also those of all those people who are by our side daily.